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Jumlah Pungutan Mata Setiap Rumah Sehingga Bulan Mei 2016
Bil |
Rumah |
Mata |
1 |
Aminuddin |
3979 |
2 |
Hamdan |
3774 |
3 |
Rahman |
4407 |
4 |
Murad |
4838 |
Pecahan Pungutan Mata Setiap Rumah
Bil |
Rumah |
Akademik |
Kokurikulum |
Sahsiah |
3K |
Jumlah |
L |
P |
L |
P |
L |
P |
L |
P |
1. |
Rahman |
1440 |
910 |
590 |
288 |
473 |
276 |
100 |
330 |
4407 |
2. |
Aminuddin |
1140 |
1030 |
459 |
259 |
362 |
199 |
110 |
420 |
3979 |
3. |
Hamdan |
1300 |
1030 |
358 |
252 |
280 |
264 |
80 |
210 |
3774 |
4. |
Murad |
1635 |
990 |
462 |
326 |
549 |
436 |
80 |
360 |
4838 |
Comments |
on May 04 2006 23:23:37
awat Murad dok corot weh....?? |
on May 16 2006 00:53:12
go murad go...muradian forever..heheh |
on May 18 2006 00:37:07
hampeh siot murad. segannye la sbg x-muradian T_T |
on May 19 2006 03:40:04
sedih seyh murad kalah ...xpe la nak uat cmne...go murad go...chaiyok2!!! |
on May 22 2006 15:57:45
hahaha...murad dh hilang power ke? |
on May 29 2006 10:55:12
Murad dah jadi apa nih???
Time aku dua tiga kali :jadi champ.
Hampeh!!  |
on May 30 2006 10:12:18
rahman plak apsal ha??? masa aku dulu dari form 1 sampai form 5 rahman duk jadi champion jer....murad plak selalu kejar rahman dari belakang...
apa sudah jadi ngan murad n rahman ni???? |
on May 31 2006 16:28:04
on June 02 2006 11:24:28
lor...murad...apa dah jadik?...sedih tul tgk...usaha lagi murad yee...;) |
on June 10 2006 00:19:19
go....hamdan..hamdan insyaalah akan menang tahun nie   |
on June 28 2006 23:06:12
kehkehkeh yes!!! corot gak murad!! kahkahkah!! |
on July 27 2006 20:43:14
cayalah aminuddin  |
on July 28 2006 21:29:23
thniah HAMDAN..memang best la!!!!.apsal MURAD sekarg xmcm MURAD dulu...
xpela..sekarang time HAMDAN lak nk UNGGUL. To all HAMDANIANs keep up the good u all so mmuch.. |
on August 01 2006 22:46:26
rahman... come on.... jangan mengalah ngan blok sebelah... kita dulu sentiasa mengatasi... pungut la mata sapa2 then tambah sendiri... ha ha ha... gurau je majulah shah untuk semua!!! |
on August 03 2006 14:49:31
Go Rahman go........... Teruskan Kecemerlanagan |
on August 14 2006 13:50:17
hamdan mmg best!!!... bangganya aku sebagai ex-hamdan... |
on August 25 2006 08:51:23
go HAMDAN!! same2 la korg gembleng tenaga... pastikan hamdan no 1 thn nih...utk shah unggul  |
on September 07 2006 09:50:06
isk....nape la murad corot tuh....kecewa aku....go murad go |
on September 07 2006 18:18:10
hamdan....gud work..well, im hamdanian back then from 1998-2002. so im here to say im proud of u guys....keep it up |
on September 07 2006 21:47:02
bila plak hamdan dah bleh berada di atas..... dulu sokmo kat bawah je..... welldone.... rahman plak.... korang bila nak naik2... asyik kat tengah je.... |
on September 10 2006 12:20:44
on September 22 2006 22:25:32
hamdan macho ke ku...sumer nk konker je....gogo handan..we are in own class........ |
on September 22 2006 22:27:17
to bach spm 05....teruskan all all best...
on September 29 2006 15:09:50
zaman gua dulu...rahman paling gempak...gua jd komander perbarisan...2 thn berturut champ....tarik tali, 2 thn berturut champ....rumah berhias, 2 thn berturut champ...2 mase gua form 4 & 5...year 92 & 93....dulu rmh Hamdan paling sayur....heheheh..but things change  |
on October 01 2006 13:51:38
cayalah hamdan...keep on going... |
on October 01 2006 16:35:40
wat happen rahman???
taun pas jauh kna kitai rumah lain..
taun nil aen plak jadi
maner kehebatan rahmanian ni... |
on October 01 2006 16:49:41
Murad dah x larat menang sbb asyik juara je..hahaha.   |
on October 02 2006 08:43:27
tahniah warga hamdan.....dan buat warga murad tahun depan kene kembali semula kepada kedudukan asal k..... |
on October 09 2006 21:33:05
hamdanがんばてくださいa281;a281;a281;a281;a281;a281; |
on October 10 2006 13:25:08
alhamdulillah, naik gak mata Rahman... |
on October 28 2006 21:36:39
welldone!!!.... Rahman.... keep on adding your points... tambah lagi tambah lagi tambah lagi.... Tapi seronok tengok murad kat bawah..jangan marah ye... |
on November 07 2006 07:57:25
huhuhu... rahaman memang beh!!!
lek lg potong hamdan tuuu... |
on November 20 2006 14:13:14
Hidup hamdan..Hidup Hamdan... Hamdan memang hebat....Murad.....tidoq ka ? |
on November 23 2006 08:10:02
MuraD..!!! Ape KeJaDaHnYeR dok kt BeLaKanG???
MuRaD biasa dok kt atas laa !!!
~EmYouaReReaDy~ |
on December 19 2006 23:16:45
zaman kejatuhan murad sudah tiba..... |
on January 31 2007 16:24:43
Hamdan..... Wa cayaaa sama lu |
on February 02 2007 00:07:25
hahahah!!! go hamdan!!!!!! hahaha!!!! |
on February 06 2007 22:30:13
aminuddin the best... |
on February 07 2007 22:30:57
Asal umah Hamdan ark menang... Ni yang nyampesss ni..... |
on February 07 2007 22:36:05
Go..GO Aminuddin....... Merah mara juara...... |
on April 06 2007 17:16:33
hamdam power!!!!!!!tahun nie hamdam lagi lah concern..rumah lain????
on April 06 2007 17:17:27
for ex shahian spm 05...mcm mane korang sume... |
on May 11 2007 01:30:40
wahh...murad dh no 2...hehhe |
on May 14 2007 21:23:03
HAMDAN tetap POWER... hidup HAMDAN...   |
on May 23 2007 14:49:44
true blue muradian...go murad! |
on May 24 2007 16:14:42
smapah gile AMINUDDIN RAHMAN. ape2pun HAMDAN paling best. HAMDAN HAMDAN HAMDAN HAMDAN HAMDAN HAMDAN HAMDAN HAMDAN HAMDAN HAMDAN                                       |
on May 25 2007 19:22:47
Cayala AMINUDDIN. Go Aminuddin Go!!!!!  |
on June 17 2007 13:19:44
aduh....memalukan btul murad ni.... kapt murad, mlm ni jumpe aku kat murtabak mengkasar. nak brainwash skit ko... jgn lupe bawak duit lebih skit. belanje aku |
on June 24 2007 22:03:05
go murad!jgn give up wei.. |
on July 03 2007 16:46:44
ape ni murad.....
ni bukan dah sampah....
lagi teruk pada sampah....
wei murad...
mane nyer hebat ko dulu...
ni m,esti sbab badi KA..
KAPTEN MURAD 2006            |
on July 19 2007 16:20:48
mungkin thn nie murad tk de rezeki anyway go murad go |
on August 01 2007 21:53:02
ala kecoh la korg... xpayah la nak pikir dahhh.. |
on August 07 2007 13:13:02
asl hmdn 2nd ni..ane leh maintain r HAMDAN..sape yg wt diciplinary cases brainwash sket..xpn lmpng jer smp terbang kt sepital sblah 2!! |
on August 24 2007 16:41:23
well done hamdan!!! da spuluh tahun tak dengar citer pasal shah. Rindu sangat-sangat. Kpd hamdanians, kejar murad tu, skettt jer lagi. spm'07 |
on September 20 2007 15:02:27
apasal murad corot ni... lari la kuat sikit... kasi minum power root.. |
on October 02 2007 15:52:55
murad samsam.
aminuddin da BOMB  |
on October 02 2007 15:54:29
on October 12 2007 12:34:27
ye laa
padahal x tgk lg shah unggul ogos
tgk saper y unggul!! |
on October 12 2007 14:28:09
selagi masih wujud pelajar shah, selagi itu lah rumah murad masih ader peluang nk jd unggul....yeah!!in....murad!! |
on October 22 2007 20:46:35
pe ceta murad ni...???dh puas menang ke??? |
on October 31 2007 14:36:43
on December 02 2007 14:26:40
waaaahhh...xsangke hamdah dah xmcm dlu...dh meningkat prestasi...gog chaiyo'... |
on December 05 2007 07:52:40
1994-aminuddin champion.1995-aminudddin lagi...1996-murad kot?1997-rahman kot?1998-ntah???tak ingat dah..tapi yang penting aminudin memang rumah aku n hidup semua budak2 aminudin!!!aku ex-sprinter aminudin dulu,tahun 94-95..tapi stakat tu jela..hahaha...pastu tak tdayo dah!!cikgu julia permata dan cikgu kesayangan kitorang dulu! |
on December 28 2007 14:36:50
MURAD X BEST,huarghahaha. rahman upgrade sket taun dpn yerk.... |
on December 28 2007 14:37:18
MURAD X BEST,huarghahaha. rahman upgrade sket taun dpn yerk.... |
on February 19 2008 13:44:20
go rahman go...gud luck for all....from shair          |
on February 22 2008 16:29:29
patutnye biru kat atas.
bwh skali untk hijau je |
on February 26 2008 12:27:19
Admin...sile update SHAH UNGGUL ni...hehe...true blue muradian!!!    |
on April 09 2008 16:48:31
x per umah rahman pasti boleh....wat yg terbaik taon nie..ok |
on April 30 2008 10:32:15
Aminuddin is the top..Wah3, unpredictable LOL |
on May 08 2008 21:48:11
bnyak nye smile korang.....                           |
on May 08 2008 21:49:00
allohaaa......                                                    |
on May 08 2008 21:50:05
     woit.. aper da byk gler smiley???                                                            |
on May 08 2008 21:51:08
selamat maju jaya pekse p'tngahan taon ni.....                                  |
on May 08 2008 21:52:00
fida bagoss... goru jerk..              jgn marah..         |
on May 08 2008 21:53:35
on May 08 2008 21:53:54
on May 08 2008 21:54:30
on May 08 2008 21:57:06
on June 26 2008 22:06:42
apsal cam pelik jer tak de dah ke markah nie......    |
on October 24 2008 20:16:03
hahhaha....semoga berjaya kepada rahman.. |
on December 16 2008 17:21:06
hhoho. smgt rumah still tinggi ek even da kua skolah. bgos2. |
on March 07 2009 17:25:32
kepada smue warga rahman, hamdah &murad jga_jga
' aminuddin akan menang shah unggul pd thn ini '
ha.ha.ha.ha.ha.................. |
on March 09 2009 14:36:32
kpd er_fan jgn t'lalu ykn HAMDAN pasti juara................... |
on March 14 2009 02:40:13
harap2 aminuddin dapat kekalkan kejuaraan seperti tahun lepas...
on March 15 2009 01:58:01
go rahman.......... |
on March 16 2009 21:24:09
murad sajer je nak bagi can kat orang laen..senang sangat nak kalahkan diorang            |
on August 23 2009 10:22:35
         murad akan senantiasa menjadi CHAMPION!!!!!!!!! tengoklah name aku saper, wehh                                                |
on August 27 2009 10:08:23
Murad mesti dapet tompat portamo dlm shah unggul yor!!
on March 17 2010 07:45:52
Go hamdan go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11            |
on March 19 2010 21:34:21
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